
Protected areas of world importance in Adjara

Adjara with its varied nature and contrasting landscapes is one of the outstanding parts of Georgia. The wealth and diversity of the nature of this place is demonstrated by the abundance of protected areas and natural reserves. We present to you 4 protected areas you must visit.

Kobuleti Protected Areas

Includes the Kobuleti State Reserve and Protected Area, which was created to save unique wetland ecosystems of international importance, especially waterfowl habitat, a natural heritage with high values. The mentioned peatlands are located in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and include the northeastern part of the Kobuleti coastal plain, and are distinguished by the diversity of water birds and plants. Protected areas of Kobuleti are important habitats for migratory, nesting and wintering waterfowl species. The boreal species present here are of great interest to botanists: sphagnum or white moss and insectivorous Drosera.

Kintrishi Protected Areas

Located in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Kobuleti district, and its total area is 13514 ha. It is located in the picturesque valley of the Kintrishi River, between village Tskhemvani and Khino mountains, at an altitude of 300-2500 m above sea level. The Kintrishi National Reserve was established in 1959 to protect the relict forests of the Midlands and the endemic species, flora and fauna. It is characterized by complex and varied terrain. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains and valleys. The protected area includes 2 categories: National Reserve and Kintrishi National Park. Here you can take part in hiking and horse riding tours. There are picnic and camping areas on the territory, as well as a campfire place.

Mtirala National Park

Located between the Black Sea and the Adjara mountain system, on the watershed of Chakvistskali and Korolistskali rivers. The territory of Mtirala is built with volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the middle Eocene age (the middle of the Paleogene), with the so-called “spilt pile”. High humidity, frequent rains and fog add a special color to the natural landscape of Mtirala. 4520 mm of precipitation falls here throughout the year, which makes Mtirala the wettest place in the country. The toponym “Mtirala”; was also given to this mountain precisely because of the abundance of precipitation. In the territory of the national park, the following forest vegetation is spread: chestnut forests, beech forests and mixed forest of Kolkhi type, as well as evergreen rhododendron bushes characteristic of Kolkheti. Beech, linden, chestnut, common alder, hornbeam can be found in the typical Kolkhetian forest. Rare, endemic species of Adjara-Lazeti and species of the “Red List” of Georgia are spread in the territory of the park, which are: Gaultheria-like Epigea, Furisula, Medvedev’s birch, and others.

Machakhela National Park

Located at 300-350 m above sea level in the southwestern part of the Caucasus, in the territory of Khelvachauri municipality. The purpose of its creation is the preservation of unique biological and landscape biodiversity, long-term protection of the ecosystems of Kolkhetian forests, ecological safety and the development of tourism and recreational activities in the natural environment. The territory of the park is covered with impenetrable bushes and forest. Here you can find such rare species as:

  • Kolkhetian boxwood,
  • Chestnut,
  • Kolkhetian hazel,
  • Georgian walnut,
  • Ungern and Smirnov rhododendron bushes,
  • Taxus baccata,
  • Elm.