
Popular publications about Batumi

Batumi – One of the most beautiful cities in Georgia. Most important tourist center in the entire Black Sea region. This city is distinguished by architectural buildings, monuments of cultural heritage, museums, an ancient port of strategic importance, seaside boulevard, European squares and streets, world-brand high- class hotels and cafes, which present Batumi as the best image of modern Georgia. The pace of development of the city is really exciting. Batumi has already gained the status of the hidden pearl of Europe. Everyday interest in it is growing, we can find various articles about Batumi in well-known media platforms.

“Forbes USA” provides millions of readers with information on the history and culture of Batumi. The article reads: “Rich in history, heritage, world-class museums and Europe’s boldest architecture, Batumi is also an exciting destination for gourmands and wine lovers”.

“Euronews” publishes an article with the title – “Discover the Black Sea region where coasts and snowy peaks meet”. The article says: “Drop into the diverse landscapes of Adjara and you’ ll discover that this historic region of Georgia is full of ancient architectural gems, breathtaking nature and thrilling adventures, not to mention a UNESCO-listed wine culture”.