
Interesting places that you should see while visiting Gudauri

Fasanauri – Mtskheta-Mtianeti area, is located in Dusheti municipality, its center, Fasanauri village, is located at the confluence of White and Black Aragvi, in a valley surrounded by beautiful Caucasus mountains at 1050 meters above sea level. According to tradition, Fasanauri was one of the trade centers. It will take you just 1 hour to get to Fasanauri.


It is located in the valley of the Tergi river on the northern slope of the Caucasus, between the main watershed ridge of the Caucasus and the Khokhi ridge, a village south-east of Keteris at 2093 meters above sea level. The Trusso Valley is abundant in mineral waters containing hydrocarbonates. There is almost no vegetation in the valley.

Khada Gorge

A beautiful mountainous place, a completely alpine zone. Here you will have a chance to visit ancient towers, enjoy beautiful waterfalls, and travel back in time.


Located on the southern slope of the main ridge of the Khevi Caucasus, in the Snosskali river valley. 2200 meters above sea level, 20 kilometers from Stepantsminda.


Located in Dariali valley. 1760 meters above sea level, 6 kilometers away from Stepantsminda. A trip here is like going back in time, where you will see houses built on the edge of the cliff, in which people still live today.

Sno Castle

Located in the Kazbegi municipality, on the edge of the Sno village, on the right bank of the Sno river, on a rock. The fort consists of an almost circular wall and one tower. It is built mainly with crushed stone and black slate, large boulders are also used. The history of its creation and existence will not leave anyone indifferent.

Zhinvali Reservoir

Located in Dusheti municipality, north of Zhinvali township. It is an ideal place to organize a picnic and escape from the hot summer days. During the construction of the Zhinval hydro-complex, the 12th-century church named after the Holy Cross was submerged under water for 6 months, and it can be seen for 6 months.