
Visit Adjara – 6 most interesting reasons

Adjara is distinguished by its special and magical nature, attractive environment, and unforgettable emotions that give you fabulous adventures. Often people don’t even know about the specialness of this region. In this blog, we will talk about the main reasons for visiting Adjara.

Adjarian cuisine and special wine

An integral part of traditional Georgian cuisine, but at the same time, it is influenced by Asian cuisine. Adjarian cuisine is unimaginable without Adjarian khachapuri, which stands out in its original form. Sweets (baklava, milk khalva, Burme, and Boregi) occupy a prominent place in Adjarian cuisine. Viticulture has been developed in Adjara since ancient times, and up to 50 varieties of vines with different maturitys and colors have been preserved to this day.

A city distinguished by modern and historical architecture

According to historical sources, the city of ”Batumi” was founded Before Christ. The original form of Batumi – ”Bathus” was already mentioned in the 4th century BC. The interesting historical past significantly determined the architectural wealth of Batumi. In the 19th century, during the so-called ”Porto-Franco” period, Batumi was built by European architects. The city is still distinguished by the abundance of buildings with architectural appearances that are sharply different from each other.

Unforgettable show of Batumi Dolphinarium

When visiting Batumi, you should definitely visit the Dolphinarium, one of the favorite places for visitors, which is always crowded and lively. Here you can see an amazing performance of dolphins. Kako, Monica, Zoro, Maya, Beluchi, Nini, Tsitsi, and her daughter Olympia will take care of creating your mood. They present up to 30 interesting numbers, dancing, playing with rings and balls, balancing on the tail, and many impressive numbers. The dolphinarium is a modern design building that combines all the latest requirements for keeping sea animals in artificial conditions. Batumi Aquarium was opened on August 20, 1966. In the early 1990s, due to the difficult political and economic situation in the country, the facility stopped functioning. After a 20-year hiatus, it was reopened on May 6, 2011, at the initiative of the City Hall and became a visiting card of Batumi.

One of the longest seaside boulevards in the world

Boulevard is the most popular place in Batumi, It has the status of a cultural heritage monument and offers people an interesting adventure and emotion. You will rarely meet such a beautiful, diverse, and large boulevard by the sea. The boulevard was developed by a French gardener in 1881. It still developing and beautified with magnificent fountains, modern sculptures, and other sights. Today, the seaside boulevard of Batumi stretches for 8 kilometers, both its old and new parts are distinguished by wide walking and cycling paths, and a wonderful combination of evergreen plants, magnolias, and palm trees located in the alleys. The boulevard is considered to be Batumi’s business card. You can visit it at any time of the year and see the beautiful Magnolia Alley, Batumi lighthouse, and colonnades. Here you will hear the history of Batumi told by strangers, you will be able to visit the beach and make Batumi a part of you.

”Batumi Botanical Garden” outstanding in the world

If you love nature and coziness, you are fascinated by sea views and the scent of various plants and flowers, Batumi Botanical Garden is the best sight for you. It is located just 9 kilometers from Batumi. Beautiful flora and fresh air create a wonderful environment in the botanical garden. Where you can enjoy the beauty of nature and get rid of negative energy. The area includes a 1 km long coastline between the mouth of the Chakvis Tskali River and Green Cape. Extends from 0-220 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the garden is 113 hectares. In the distant past was covered with Kolkhi forest and evergreen undergrowth. The history of its creation begins on November 3, 1912, and is connected with the name of Andria Krasnov, a professor at Kharkiv University. Batumi Botanical Garden has no analogs in the world in terms of the coexistence of plant species from completely different climatic and landscape zones.

Diversity of tourism and nature

The sea resort of Batumi is becoming more and more interesting with the unique potential of the Adjara mountain. At an altitude of 1,500-2,200 meters above sea level, there are resorts that are designed for all four seasons of the year and offer vacationers different activities. The coniferous forests of the mountain resorts of Adjara ionize the air and are distinguished by useful healing properties. The diversity of protected areas and nature reserves is also noteworthy, that leaves an unforgettable impression on lovers of ecotourism.