
Distinctive dishes of highland Ajara

Adjarian cuisine is a pearl of Georgian cuisine, which has been greatly influenced by the lifestyle of the highland regions, in this blog we present traditional and preserved dishes of Adjara, which you must try when visiting Upper Adjara, in order to feel the local cuisine. 95% of dishes in high-mountainous Adjara are prepared with butter, therefore, traditional Adjarian dishes are fatty and nutritious.


During the preparation of Borano, spun cheese is poured into hot water and burnt butter or mountain spun cheese is poured on top, after it is sliced ​​and soaked in hot water, it is placed in a cold ketsi, an earthenware frying pan and burnt butter is poured on top. The dish is tasty and nutritious, it goes very well with maize bread, it is mainly served for breakfast and dinner. Borano is prepared in different ways, for example: with potatoes, eggs, and corn flour, but in the old and traditional way, borano is made only with cheese.

  • Borano with potatoes – mashed potatoes are cooked in a cast iron pan so that the mass does not stick to it after adding the cheese. Drained potatoes are mashed and mixed with grated cheese that is spread by hand. After the cheese is well embedded in the potatoes and the mass becomes homogeneous, it starts to stretch, which means that it is ready.
  • Borano with egg – cheese soaked in water, when it melts, add 2-3 eggs and the dish is ready. The amount of eggs depends on your taste, only salt is needed if the cheese is unsalted.
  • Borano with corn flour – the method of its preparation is very interesting. Two tablespoons of corn flour are dissolved in cold water and placed on the fire, after boiling, they add skimmed cheese in a boiled form, as soon as the cheese melts, they add two eggs and pour burnt butter on top.


Kaisapha is one of the traditional dishes that really deserves more recognition because of its distinctive taste. The dish is made from dried plums. Dried plums are first boiled, and walnuts and sugar are sprinkled on top of the boiled plums. At the very end, the burnt butter is poured on top of it and the dish is ready. It’s very tasty with tea, and it’s also unique as a snack because it is very nutritious.

Adjarian chakhokhbili with rice and walnuts

It is a completely different dish in Adjara, unlike the standard chakhokhbili. Adjarians prepare chakhokhbili from chicken, however, they add a cup of boiled rice and crushed walnuts along with garlic. In the end, it turns out a delicious chicken soup with rice and walnuts.


Maize bread and cheese are a distinctive part of the Georgian table. Adjarians prepare kalajo from already cold maize bread. Two cups of water are added to one spoon of burnt yagh, then a large tablespoon of curds, and a little salt to taste, and when all this boils, they add maize bread broken into small pieces. Kalajo has different flavors some add garlic and others add walnuts.