
Adjara’s distinctive climate

Ajara is a year-round destination. A place where the sea, mountains, and interesting traditions are united. Here you can visit a lot of sights, create unforgettable memories, and be filled with positive emotions. The weather in Ajara is subtropical, with warm winters and hot summers, but there is a high chance of rain in Batumi. The coastal areas are more humid than the mountainous regions, which have little snowfall. Snow is rare in Batumi, and when it does snow, it melts quickly.

During summer, the average temperature in the lowlands is between 22-24°C, while in the highlands it ranges between 17-21°C. In winter, temperatures in Batumi can drop to 4-6°C, while in the highlands, they can reach 3-20°C. Mount Mtirala, located in Adjara, receives up to 4,000 mm of rainfall annually, making it Europe’s precipitation pole. The climate of Ajara is unique, and the Batumi Botanical Garden is a testament to this. It houses plant species from various climatic and landscape zones in East Asia, the Himalayas, Australia, New Zealand, North and South America, Mexico, the Mediterranean, and Transcaucasia.