
Choose closeness to nature – relax in order

The resort of Shekvetili belongs to the unique climatic subtropical zone, where the air humidity is moderate. The subtropical air conditions the natural resources of the resort, such as:

  • The sun;
  • Warm sea;
  • Mild subtropical air;
  • Miraculous magnetite sand beach.

Here there is no snow in the winter season, and summers are warm and humid. The average temperature in August is 22.6 °C, the annual amount of precipitation is 2096 mm. The average air humidity is 78%, the duration of sunlight is 20,000 hours a year. The rich subtropical nature creates important conditions for relaxation and treatment.

Natural wealth of the resort

It is one of the 103 climatic and healing resorts in Georgia, which is distinguished by its unique healing properties. Even in those years, when the infrastructure was completely disordered, people came from different corners of Georgia for treatment. The resort is rich in magnetic sand on the beach, which has unique healing and healing properties. The magnetic sand of the beach has been known since the 19th century. The healing and other unique properties of the sands were tested by the local population for the first time. The facts of healing from various chronic diseases thanks to sand have greatly interested doctors, researchers and individual research institutes.

The river brought sand from the mountains of Adjara, which was rich in andesite. Due to the high healing efficiency of magnetic sand, even doctors prescribe and recommend taking “sand baths” on such a beach to patients with various diseases. The basis of magnetic sand is magnetite 5% (the same magnetic ironstone), titanomagnetite – 4.5%, ilmenite – 4.5, monazite – 4.9, zircon – 4.2%, granite – 4.3% and others. The magnetic absorbability of sand is 13-25 times higher than usual.

The healing effect of the resort is not only the sandy beach, but also the sea water and air. Sea water regulates the metabolism, has a positive effect on the nervous system. The sea air is characterized by a high degree of ionization, which activates the work of erythrocytes. As a result, immunity is strengthened and metabolism is improved. Thanks to ionization, the sea air is free of bacteria and dust. The summer season in Shekvetili starts from June and lasts until the middle of September. Sand baths have an analgesic effect, it enhances the oxidation processes in the body, improves kidney function. Sand baths are much easier to tolerate, including by older people, than mud baths at the same temperature. It is known that astronauts and pilots who have to fly at supersonic speed for a long time, due to great physical exertion and weightlessness, often develop smooth muscle diseases and hence various pathologies, including impotence. Rehabilitation of such patients is difficult, therefore, in the conditions of the resort’s magnetic sand and mild subtropical climate, the treatment of diseases will be easier and more effective.

Complex scientific research conducted by the employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Spa, as well as the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics and Geophysics of Georgia testifies to the high healing efficiency of magnetic sand in the following diseases, such as:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system – stage I and II hypertensive disease, chronic ischemic heart disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, myocardiodystrophy and others;
  • Peripheral vascular diseases;
  • Children’s diseases – rickets, spinal paresis, childbirth injuries and others.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system – rheumatic and infectious polyarthritis in the chronic stage, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondropathies, as well as post-traumatic rehabilitation;
  • Chronic urogenital diseases;
  • Diseases of the nervous system – depression, neurosis of hypertensive form, climactic neurosis, neuralgia, and others;
  • Metabolism;
  • Erythrocyte work;
  • Oxidative processes;
  • Kidney function;
  • Smooth muscle diseases;
  • Analgesic effect.

It is especially important to use natural healing factors in the treatment of children’s diseases. Duration of magnetotherapy should be 10 to 30-40 minutes for adults, and 5 to 15 minutes for children.

Ordered is an outstanding and unique resort of Georgia, which is an ideal vacation spot for families with children. The resort is developing day by day and attracts vacationers both from Georgia and abroad.