
Dendrological Park of Shekvetili

The dendrological park, distinguished by its biodiversity, is the calling card of Western Georgia in particular. Construction of the area began in 2017, and specialists worked for three years to create the effect of untouched nature. The recreational zone is an area in Ozurgeti district, between Tsvermaghala and Shekvetili, which specialists call ideal due to its location. The 60-hectare garden presents thousands of species of local and world-exotic flora in all its perfection.

This area enriches the order more and the number of visitors increases month by month. The park is of the greatest health, aesthetic, educational, and scientific importance for the ecosystem of the region.

The area where the park is now built was covered by a swamp. In the park you will find the following types of trees:

  • Cypress
  • Magnolia
  • Cedar;
  • Oak;
  • Plane trees;
  • Maple;
  • Eucalyptus
  • Other unique species of trees.

Also, a bamboo forest has been planted. In order for the visitor to get complete information about the plant, special banners are placed. Some trees are over 300 years old.

The dendrological park is divided into two parts. In one part of the territory – on 18 hectares, trees of endemic species found in Georgia – oak, maple and beech – consisting of more than 200 giant specimens of 29 unique species are planted.

On the remaining 42 hectares, there are thousands of plants of various exotic species brought over the years from all five continents of the world.

In addition to the flora, the fauna of the park is noted, and the lake inhabited by exotic birds is an unforgettable sight. The park has an artificial lake and a small island specially created for birds, where flamingos live. 58 species of birds from all continents of the world live in the territory of the park. Exotic species of birds are mainly imported from Australia.