
Blooming of Batumi Botanical Garden

When traveling to Adjara, you should definitely visit one of the most outstanding and old botanical gardens in the world. It is located just 9 kilometers from Batumi. Beautiful flora and fresh air create a wonderful environment for the botanical garden. There you can enjoy the beauty of nature and get rid of negative energy. The area includes a 1 km long coastline between the mouth of the Chakvistskali River and Green Cape. Extends from sea level to 0-220 meters high. The area of ​​the garden is 113 hectares.

In the past, the distance was covered with Kolkhi forest and evergreen undergrowth. The garden opened in 1912 and hosts thousands of vacationers and visitors every year. It is especially exciting to see the garden in spring and summer, when most of the plants are in bloom, an amazing range of colors spreads around, and the intoxicating fragrance floats in the air, which takes you on a journey to an unforgettable world.

This place has no analogs in the world because here coexist plant species taken from different climates and landscape zones, you will find both annual, biennial, and perennial flowering plants. There are 107 cultivars of rose and more than 80 varieties of Japanese camellia are recorded. Also, 20 forms of palm maple and 15 species of magnolia. Here are some outstanding ones:

The delicate blue flower of ”Ageratum” will surely attract your attention while walking in the garden. The flower of ”Cleome spinosa; will surely catch the eye which is much more beautiful than its name suggests. This is a tall beauty from South America, its impressive pink flowers will stand out even in a sea of ​​plants as it grows very tall. Also, most of ”Amante” is colorful and distinctive. This perennial pink, purple, and white flowering plant is also native to South America. Amazing blooming camellias that bloom twice, in spring and autumn. Camellias are beautiful, spring-flowering shrubs. Japanese camellia, abundantly represented in Batumi Botanical Garden, is an evergreen woody shrub. It is worth noting the rose garden, which has outstanding members: tea hybrids, polyantha, miniature, and climbing roses.

This botanical garden is an ideal place for nature and plant lovers. There you can have a picnic, pitch a tent and enjoy every moment spent here and enjoy the fabulous beauty of nature.